By: Nicole Milton, Training Manager, MHA of Greater Houston

Mental health is a significant aspect of our overall well-being, and it is essential that we prioritize it. Unfortunately, the black community has faced numerous challenges in accessing mental health services and support, and as a result, mental health issues among black individuals are often undiagnosed, untreated, and stigmatized. Racism, discrimination, and systemic inequalities are some of the contributing factors to the disparities in mental health in the black community. Studies have shown that black individuals are more likely to experience trauma, poverty, and discrimination, which can lead to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and stress.

In honor of Black History Month, it is imperative to acknowledge and highlight the ways we can amplify available resources, support community spaces, and take advantage of educational opportunities.

One way to support black mental health is promoting access to culturally competent mental health services. This means providing care that is sensitive to the cultural and racial experiences of black individuals and ensuring that black individuals have access to therapists and other mental health professionals who understand and can address their specific needs.


Another way to support black mental health is by fostering safe spaces where individuals can openly discuss their experiences and emotions. This can be achieved through community-based initiatives, support groups, and online forums.


It is also important to invest in education and awareness programs that promote mental health literacy and encourage early intervention and treatment. This can include workshops, seminars, and community events that educate individuals on the signs and symptoms of mental illness, and how to access resources and support.


By working together, to amplify these spaces and resources we can break down the barriers to mental health care and create a brighter future for black individuals and families.