“The Military Veteran Peer Network is an affiliation of Service Members, Veterans and Family Members dedicated to establishing camaraderie and trust with each other, identifying and vetting community resources and, collectively, contributing to the communities where we live.”


Mental Health America of Greater Houston’s Military Veteran Peer Network uses a peer-led, holistic community-based approach to address the specific needs of the veterans of Harris County Veterans Treatment Court and those in need of behavioral health support. The volunteer peer mentoring team helps them enroll in school, obtain employment, navigate community assistance programs, engages their families and provides support late at night and on the weekends during the crisis, is a friend who will listen without judging or consequences, promotes health and wellness through fitness, yoga and mindfulness, inspires hope and leads veterans by focusing on the importance of accountability, decision making and future planning which assists veterans in achieving their goals. In this program, goals are mandatory as well as post-traumatic growth.

We have established a community blueprint of over 40 federal, state and local veteran serving partners to support our mission. By providing comprehensive, innovative training in justice-involved outreach, wellness activities and peer support to both Harris County Veteran Treatment Courts and training all Veteran Court mentors across the state in our nation-leading model, we are ensuring the success of veterans ‘ jail diversion programming and preventing future veterans from becoming homeless, chronically unemployed or substance use dependent.

A successful veterans’ treatment court cannot operate without a functional, professional mentoring team supporting its participants and their families. Efficient, innovative, educational programming led by peers is essential to promoting sobriety, obtaining benefits, navigating resources, achieving high rates of compliance and graduation, and reducing recidivism.

MVPN Houston is Looking for Volunteers!

Please contact Edward Howard, [email protected], if you are interested in any of the following volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Veteran Court Mentor

  • Attend at least one docket a month from which court you are assigned
  • Participate and lead in mentoring sessions with justice-involved veterans
  • Be supportive and understanding of the difficulties veterans face
  • Assist the veterans as much as possible both inside and outside of court
  • Be supportive and helpful to other mentors in the program
  • Must be a veteran to participate as a Veteran Court Mentor

MVPN Jail In-Reach Volunteer

  • Work with veterans currently in prison to develop an after-release action plan
  • Share programs and resources available to veterans
  • Gather information on veterans on where they will be located after release and best contact
  • Ensure veterans receive contact information for the MVPN Houston Peer Services Coordinator
  • Conduct one jail visit a month 
  • Jails that will be visited, Kegan (Downtown Houston) and Lychner (Humble, TX)
  • Meet with and report all data to MVPN Houston Peer Services Coordinator after each visit
  • Open to supporters and Veterans

MVPN Houston Outreach Volunteer

  • Help spread information and programs offered through MVPN
  • Assist in providing training to the Houston community
  • Help coordinate and lead MVPN events
  • Assist and mentor Veterans in the community
  • Pass out information material and brochures to local businesses, organizations, and schools about MVPN
  • Create social media contact and awareness
  • Become part of a team that is passionate about veterans but is just as passionate about our volunteers.
  • Open to supporters and veterans